This easy and cheap business will end poverty, see the complete business plan immediately


We want to tell you about a small business that can make you money if you like to do your own work. This includes selling lemon grass oil and is a popular option for those looking to start their own business.

Earning money from your work is good because you can spend time with your family and do whatever you want. Some people think that you can start a business only in the city.

It is important to understand how businesses work and how markets work. Once you know this, you can start a business in the village. The kind of business we are talking about is easy to start in the village.

We are going to talk about earning money by selling Lemon Grass Oil. It is a special kind of oil which is used in things like medicine and soap and many people want to buy it. Even the government encourages people to grow lemon grass to make oil. This is a great way to earn money without hurting any animals.

If you want to earn money by growing lemon grass, then you will have to spend 30 to 35 thousand rupees and with this you can get 100 to 150 liters of oil in three times. You can sell the oil for Rs 1,000 to Rs 1,500 per litre. Growing lemon grass is like growing mentha and poppy seeds.

Sowing time is when you sow seeds in the ground to grow something. February is the best month for lemon grass. Lemon grass can be cut 6 to 7 times after planting and the first crop will be ready after 3 months of planting. When planting lemon grass, it’s important to keep them a foot apart so they can grow lots of leaves and make more money.

To tell if lemongrass is ready to pluck, you can pluck a leaf and smell it. If it smells like lemon, it is ready to harvest.

Harvesting means gathering lemon grass. When you cut lemon grass, be sure to leave five to six inches of it. You can start harvesting lemon grass three to five months after planting. The second time you harvest, you can get 4 to 5 liters of oil from each cut. Lemon grass can be grown for 3 years.

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