डायबिटीज के मरीजों के लिए खुशखबरी ! आ गया इस काले फल का मौसम, खूब करें सेवन, शुगर का बज जाएगा बैंड



Jamun can be very beneficial for diabetes patients.
Consuming Jamun also reduces the risk of heart disease.

Berries May Reduce Blood Sugar: The season of berries rich in taste and nutrients has begun. In the next few weeks, berries will be seen everywhere in the market. Eating this fruit in the summer season is considered very beneficial. Jamun is a good source of antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus and flavonoids. It also contains many nutrients. Jamun is considered very effective in providing relief from many diseases. Its use is considered beneficial for getting relief from many problems including diabetes, skin diseases, infections, asthma, abdominal pain. Today we will know from an Ayurvedic doctor that how Jamun is beneficial for diabetes patients.

of UP Dr. Saroj Gautam, Associate Professor, Aligarh Ayurvedic Medical College It is said that Jamun has also been considered a very beneficial fruit in Ayurveda. Jamun has been used in Ayurvedic treatment since ancient times. Jamun is a treasure of nutrients. Jamun has many medicinal properties and is recommended in Ayurveda for the treatment of many diseases. It is considered very beneficial for diabetes patients. Jamun is also beneficial in keeping your heart healthy and keeping diseases away. Jamun is rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. Cholesterol level can also be controlled by consuming it.

According to Dr. Saroj Gautam, Jamun has been considered very beneficial for managing diabetes in Ayurveda. Nutrients present in Jamun improve insulin sensitivity and help in reducing blood sugar. Jamun reduces the symptoms of diabetes like frequent urination and thirst. Till now it has also been revealed in many researches that consumption of Jamun is very effective in reducing the blood sugar level. The glycemic index of Jamun is low, due to which sugar patients can consume it without worrying. It is generally considered safe for sugar patients. However, people whose blood sugar is more than the limits, they must take doctor’s advice before eating jamun.

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Tags: health, Lifestyle, trending news


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